What is Thai-Na?
Thai-Na is my own unique blend of Thai Massage and Tui-Na. Both are therapeutic massages that utilize energy channels and acupoints of the body to restore a mobile and pain free life. They share the idea that all pain stems from a stagnation of either energy or blood flow, the same as a fresh spring of water is clean and pure as long as it does not eddy or stagnate. In fact, along with intuition, observations of nature over thousands of years is how much of this knowledge developed. The human being is not separate from nature, we are intricately intertwined into the fabric of nature. What is present in nature is also present in our body. Nature is our greatest teacher and by reciprocal our bodies are our greatest teacher. We are in relationship with ourselves; our bodies have an intuitive knowledge from nature and are constantly communicating with us. Pain is the body yelling as we have either not been listening or don't yet understand the language of the body. Thai-Na aims to connect you with your body in a way that opens this communication and allows you to not only eliminate pain but become aware of the signals that precede it.
Tui-Na translates to "to push and to squeeze/pull" and is the foundation on which acupuncture exists. Acupoints and the channels that connect these points are utilized to strengthen and reestablish the natural flow of Qi (think energy) and blood. These channels or meridians all have an energy representative to the specific organ they flow through. In Chinese medicine it is thought to be impossible to separate the physical body from the emotional mind. The organs physical function pertains to its emotional function. It is the yin-yang swirl that cannot be separated into its individual parts. It is also impossible to separate ancient Chinese philosophy from their medicine. Part of this philosophy stems from the belief that the human being is the physical connection between the cosmos and the Earth. The primary energy flow is coming from the stars and enters the human through the top of the head, flows through the body and into the Earth. The Earth then cleanses and amplifies this energy returning it to the human where it is exuded out of the hands and navel for connection with the rest of humanity. When this energy is abundant and free-flowing it is said that it is impossible for dis-ease to exist within. In this sense, all pain is a stagnation of this flow. Tui-Na at its core strives to reestablish this universal flow and thus eliminate dis-ease.

Traditional Thai Massage
Thai Massage is unique in its influences from both Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine while also being steeped in a culture rich in Buddhist philosophy. It has strong connections to yoga and is often light-heartedly referred to as "lazy-man's yoga" as the receiver is fully passive and allows the careful manipulation of their body. Many people know Thai massage for its firm pressure and big stretches but there is also a delicate side. One of the tenants of Buddhism is in regards to the intuitive knowledge each of us posses and how logical thinking can be a deficit in the moment. Part of my training involves understanding the base material so well that I am able to suspend conscious attention and allow for the flow of the universe to be my guide. With that comes an amazing healing energy where I often feel as a witness to the massage. In order for the facilitation of the most beneficial session both the practitioner and receiver need to honor and permit this universal flow. I will establish an open communication which enables you to fully trust and release.